2015 Writing Camp Testimonials

Satisfied parents recommend the Writings Camps:

“This camp has equipped my son with an expansion of tools to increase his confidence and enjoyment in writing.”  —Michelle Reynolds, mom to a 2015 Thesis Camp student

“Great experience! Jen Hartenburg is a superb teacher with a very engaging method of instruction.”  —Dr. George Eapen, dad to a 2015 Creative Writing Camp student

“When my daughter came home from Creative Writing Camp, she brought me a book she’d never read and said, ‘Mom, look! The back of the book describes the setting and characters, but not the plot!’ She then began to read ravenously. I credit writing camp with this new eagerness to understand other writers!”  —Rachel Motte, 2015 mom

“My daughter really enjoyed the camp—studying with other students and being creative in a group setting. She had fun! She is starting to understand how to stylistically dress up a story she writes.”  —Susan Alai, mom to a 2015 Creative Writing student

“We are so grateful for the opportunity to have our students learn from an accomplished writing instructor such as yourself. Thank you for allowing them to attend. I would highly recommend the writing camp over and over again!”  —Mona Cook, mom to two 2015 Thesis Camp students

“My student was stretched,” writes another mom, “I think it was a great opportunity for him. Thank you for adding enjoyment to a process that doesn’t come naturally to him.”


Students agree that Writing Camp activities helped improve their writing:

“I liked the camp a lot. I now have many more tools to make my writing winsome. I especially enjoyed learning the different kinds of sentence openers.”  —Cole R.

Creative Writing students enjoyed “writing stories and key word outlines,” “writing warm-ups,” and “meeting new friends.”

“I like my classmates and it was fun!” writes Charis A.

“Thesis Camp was very beneficial,” writes a student, “especially the ‘dress-ups’ and group editing; I enjoyed Mrs. Hartenburg’s teaching.”

“The class was helpful overall, and it was very enjoyable.”  —Jadon H.

“The assignments were difficult but very helpful in improving my writing technique. Learning how to include citations was especially helpful.”  —Hannah K.

“It was a great experience and an excellent way to spend the summer,” writes another student; “I enjoyed learning how to write an introduction.”

“It was good practice writing and using ‘Dress Ups.’ I enjoyed the camp,” a satisfied student says.

“I enjoyed the Thesis Camp,” says another, “and the reminder of the importance of grammar.”

“I enjoyed ‘Writing Warm-Ups” and brainstorming with others. The small-group critiques were also helpful. It has been an encouraging experience to meet with others who are thinking about the same topics and discussing with them.”

“It was fun! I liked the games and learning how to write an anecdote. I liked how we students talked and looked at each other’s papers.”  —Camille B.

“The Thesis Camp was challenging, but I learned how to do the thesis statement. The grammar exercises and games were the most enjoyable and helpful parts.”  —Esther B.